The Three Bs: Binder, Brain Dump, Bullet Journal

The Three Bs -- Binder, Bullet Journal, and Brain Dump--are game changers for the born disorganized.

The Three Bs are a binder, a bullet journal, and a brain dump. Get your hands on all three (that’s the easy part) and learn how to use them (I’ll help!) and I promise, these are game changers. If you were born lacking the organization gene, the Three Bs help level the playing field.

I’ll be talking about all three of the Bs in both the C.H.a.O.S. and Project Buy a House series. I thought I’d take a few minutes today and really explain what they are.

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9 Steps to Kicking Email Inbox Butt

email inbox pin

You guys, my email box is empty! It kind of freaks me out. I haven’t seen the bottom of that poor thing since 2004. Did you even know that an empty mobile Gmail inbox has a little sunshine smiley face that says “You’re all done! Please enjoy your day?”

It totally does, and I’m going to show you how to see it.

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