52 Weeks of C.H.a.O.S. {An Introduction}

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C.H.a.O.S. = Complete Home Overhaul System

For the born disorganized

This is a year-long weekly series that runs every Sunday. If you’d like an email reminder of the next installment in the series, please click the button above. If you’re new to this series, click on the C.H.a.O.S. tab to start at the beginning.

Man. Does my home need an overhaul. A makeover. Maybe even a do-over. We moved to Reno three years ago with what we could fit in our minivan. It took two whole years for us to get the things we’d stored in our old town and truck it home. As you can imagine, I’d already replaced just about everything necessary to run a house. So now our garage is filled to the roof with all of that stored stuff. Our house is packed, too. I struggle with time management, which isn’t great when you have THREE work-at-home jobs that all require organization, creative energy, and time.

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