Project Buy a House {Income Streams}

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Project Buy a House is all about personal finance for the right-brained. It’s my family’s three-year-plan for buying a house. I hope you’ll come along for the ride, even if you have a different goal. Click the button above if you’d like to sign up for an email notice of new posts and get your free copy of the 23-page C.H.a.O.S. Binder Quick Start Guide.

Last week, we talked about figuring out where exactly our starting points are. How much money do we have coming in and how much goes out every month. We made an action plan for starting to bring the outgo inline with the income. This week is going to be much more fun, because we’re going to talk about bringing more income in so that we don’t have to cut back on the outgo quite so much. We’re going to talk about income streams, side hustles, and making the most of our day jobs.

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Project Buy a House {Start Where You Are}

B.A.H. Start Where You Are

Last Monday I introduced a new series called Project Buy a House. This is my three-year-plan for becoming a homeowner (or at least a home buyer!) I hope you’ll come along for the ride. Click the button above to sign up for an email reminder of each week’s post and get a free 23-page C.H.a.O.S. Binder Quick Start Guide.

This week we’re going to talk about figuring out just exactly where your journey to owning a home starts.

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52 Weeks of C.H.a.O.S. {An Introduction}

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C.H.a.O.S. = Complete Home Overhaul System

For the born disorganized

This is a year-long weekly series that runs every Sunday. If you’d like an email reminder of the next installment in the series, please click the button above. If you’re new to this series, click on the C.H.a.O.S. tab to start at the beginning.

Man. Does my home need an overhaul. A makeover. Maybe even a do-over. We moved to Reno three years ago with what we could fit in our minivan. It took two whole years for us to get the things we’d stored in our old town and truck it home. As you can imagine, I’d already replaced just about everything necessary to run a house. So now our garage is filled to the roof with all of that stored stuff. Our house is packed, too. I struggle with time management, which isn’t great when you have THREE work-at-home jobs that all require organization, creative energy, and time.

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Project Buy a House {A Three-Year-Plan For Buying a House}

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Project Buy a House is an ongoing series that details my own roadmap to homeownership for my family and give lots of ideas that you can implement yourself.

It’s not for the impatient. This is the long game. We’ll be talking about improving credit scores, saving up a significant down payment, getting out of debt, and learning to live within our means. New posts go up on Mondays. I hope you’ll come along for the ride. Click the button above to get email notices of each new post in the series.

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